For residential applications Humitech of North Georgia provides Food So Fresh panels for all home refrigeration systems. The smaller version is mounted by a Velcro back so you can easily mount it where you want. Every three months call us and we will ship you a new. Quickly you will notice all of your fruits and vegetables lasting twice as long. All of your leftovers will stay fresh and crisp. Also any moister that has build up on the walls and shelves will dissipate which leaves you with a clean environment for food storage. Food So Fresh panels will will save lots of money by throwing away less spoiled, wilted, or molded food.
For commercial applications Humitech of North Georgia provides food so fresh panels for all walk-in or reach-in cold storage coolers. Each cooler will be neatly installed with a series of panels strategically placed around the cooler tucked out of the way from heavy usage. Monthly a Humitech representative will replace all of you panels with fresh ones. As well they will check the sanity of your cooler, informing you of any issues that may affect you during a heath inspection. We as a company will improve the environment of your coolers while providing the freshest possible food for your customers.
The compound found in the bag of each filter is a mineral called Sorbite. This mineral is unique in several ways. Sorbite will absorb and desorbs moister from the air to maintain the humidity level in the cooler. Also all odors and bacteria will be reduced. In turn there will be less cross contamination between foods such as produce which smells and tastes like the fish that is stored near by. Gasses such as Ethylene and Pectin will also be contained. These gasses will prematurely ripen your produce and cause more trim loss. Acetic acids found in your cooler will also be absorbed. With less moister build up on the coils of your compressor it will use less costly defrost cycles every day, which will save you valuable money on your electric bill. How can Sorbite help the current environment of your cooler?